New Location for Ellen Jones and $100K from Cape Cod Healthcare
Ellen Jones will relocate to Patriot Square in Dennis in 2020 – and we need your help to do it!
Harbor’s Ellen Jones Community Dental Center will move to Patriot Square in Dennis in the spring of 2020! We also plan to expand our non-profit dental center in our new location and offer more appointments.
But we need to raise $300,000 to help offset expenses.

Cape Cod Healthcare CEO Michael Lauf (second from right) presents CCHC’s $100K match commitment to Harbor Health’s CEO Chuck Jones (right) and members of the dental care team at Ellen Jones Community Dental Center, Dr. Joao Costa, lead dentist; Erin Mullaney, administrative director of dental services; and Aline Martins, dental assistant.
To kickstart our fundraising efforts, Cape Cod Healthcare (CCHC) has pledged to match every donation to the Ellen Jones Relocation and Expansion Fund up to $100,000!
Cape Cod Healthcare Visits Ellen Jones
Last week, Cape Cod Healthcare’s (CCHC) CEO Michael Lauf, vice president of strategy and government affairs Paul Niedzwiecki, and members of the CCHC Community Benefits team visited the current location of Ellen Jones at Cape Cod Technical High School in Harwich.
“We’re grateful to you for getting us started in such a big way,” Harbor’s president and CEO Chuck Jones told the CCHC team during their tour of Ellen Jones.
“Your commitment will help provide dental care to more patients. And it will also help engage the Cape community in supporting our efforts at Ellen Jones.”
“Making sure all residents of our region can get high-quality healthcare where we live and work is a top priority,” CCHC’s Paul Niedzwiecki explained.
“We welcome the opportunity to support Harbor’s efforts to sustain local, affordable access to dental care – which is vital to maintaining good overall health.”
Why is Ellen Jones Moving?
Ellen Jones is currently located inside Cape Cod Technical High School. Students participating in the school’s dental assisting program currently work alongside dental staff at Ellen Jones. Students have the opportunity to practice the skills they learn in the classroom with real patients.
The school plans to move to a new building at the end of this school year. The dental center is not moving with the school.
With over 3,300 patients and a long wait list, the dental center needs to expand to meet growing community needs. Harbor plans to continue the partnership with Cape Cod Tech’s dental assisting program.
Our new location is 10 minutes from the school and will offer an enhanced learning environment for students.
Why Did We Choose Patriot Square?
Harbor wanted the dental center to stay on the lower Cape, where it has been for the past 19 years and over a third of the patients at Ellen Jones live. Patriot Square is accessible by public transportation and is close to the highway, making it more convenient for patients.
You Can Help!
We need to raise $300,000 to offset the costs of moving and building out a new space. CCHC will match every donation to the Ellen Jones Relocation and Expansion Fund.
That means your donation will instantly make double the difference!
Low income and uninsured patients have few if any options for dental care on the lower Cape. We stretch our resources every day to serve residents in need. Now we need your help to keep local, affordable dental care accessible to everyone on Cape Cod.
To make an online donation to the Ellen Jones Relocation and Expansion Fund, please visit
You can also contact Susan Lit, chief strategy and performance officer, at [email protected] to talk more about contributing to the Ellen Jones Relocation and Expansion Fund.