June is Men’s Health Month
Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in males in the United States. As men get older, their risk for prostate cancer increases. In order to detect prostate cancer early, men who are older than 40 years of age or have a family history of prostate cancer should talk to their doctor about scheduling a screening. The Dana Farber Cancer Institute lists the following recommendations for prostate cancer screening by age:
•Age 18-40: Screening is usually not required.
•Age 40-49: You should discuss your risk level with your physician. Screening is recommended if you are considered high risk. African-American men and men who have a family history of prostate cancer are at a greater risk and should discuss PSA testing with their physicians.
•Age 50+: Discuss screening with your physician.
The Cleveland Clinic estimates that 40% of men do not go for an annual visit to the doctor. If you’re a man, make June the month that you schedule your annual visit to the doctor! And if you know a man that is putting off going to the doctors, tell him to make an appointment (fact: 19% of men see the doctor to stop a loved one from nagging)!